We're now fully into our latest construction project. It's our fifth one in eleven years and once more its behind schedule and over budget. Not only that, but it's running into our holiday season which is always unbelievably hectic and we're only picking up about 350 square feet. Into which we need to squeeze 1000 feet of ideas.
Moan, groan, whine. Okay, enough of that.

Jeannine on the other hand, is the exact opposite. As soon as she smells cut lumber and paint her disposition takes a nose dive. Our typical conversation goes like this:
Jeannine: Morning everybody. Did everyone have a good evening? (Turns head hard left)
Oh my God. What a mess! Julie, I can't stand it. When are they gonna be done? Have you asked them yet? Are we adding more freezers? Can we add another refrigerator?
Me: Sure, I just need to add some more electrical.

Me: Fine. I'll have them move that wall out a couple feet. How's that?
Jeannine: Perfect. I hope you're having cushions made for the bench. I really think cushions will make it more comfortable. And pretty. Can we have pretty? I'd really like prettier.
Me: Already on it.
Jeannine: Good. (She sits at computer)
10:00 a.m.
(She gets up from computer, looks hard right)
Jeannine: Oh my God! What a mess. Julie, I can't stand it. When are they gonna be done?
That's a fairly accurate depiction of the two of us but sometimes the scenario changes and our roles are reversed. When I'm exhausted or stressed, Jeannine will step in and become the strong one for a while. Then we trade again. It's nice to know someone's got your back.
I'm thankful for her...I think she's thankful for me...we're both thankful for, not only our customers who support us, but also for our employees who are like family members (the kind you like).
We truly love being able to provide a service that helps families spend time together and encourages friends to entertain with ease. When our construction is finished, we'll love it even more!
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