Saturday, November 10, 2012

Notes from Tres Market

It's a constant juggling act.
When we started, as a catering business out of our homes, we had no preconceived idea of how it should be done.  We relied on instinct and let our customers lead us in the direction they wanted us to go.  Turns out they needed more help with daily meals than anything.
Seems we've gotten really good at it.

Sure, we have our off days and plenty of kitchen disasters but we turn out a lot of good food that we're really proud of.  The back of the house is pretty much controlled chaos. Been like that for 11 years now.  I keep thinking we're on the verge of being organized.  Hasn't happened yet but we're nothing if not optimistic.

People question us all the time about how it all works.
Customer:  Is it fun?  It looks like fun?
Me:  I love it.  It's really the only thing I like to do.  But at the end of the day I'm exhausted and very negative...I'd give it to anyone that asked for it.  Then I'm in bed by 8:15 (yes, 8:15) and after a good night sleep I'm ready to go again and can't wait to get to work.  I LOVE MY JOB.
I get up at 4:45a.m. My husband doesn't love my job.  At least not at 4:45 a.m.  (He brings me coffee when I wake up then goes back to sleep. ) Great routine we've gotten into.
Customer:  I can't think of anything I'd rather do less.
There are a zillion reasons why our unconventional system works.  Mostly because we really do feel like "We make life delicious and easy".  Jeannine's husband started saying that as a way to describe our business to people.  It not only became our slogan, but our mantra, too.

After all these years, we continue to evolve.  We try new recipe ideas and if they don't get rave reviews they don't get added to our menu.  We've also screwed up our tried and true recipes and have been shocked to learn that all mistakes are not necessarily bad.  Though sometimes difficult to recreate.
We know we're a little slow jumping on the blog bandwagon, but this technology/social media thing has a very steep learning curve for some of us.
Anyway, we're excited to share some of Tres Market with you.  We hope you enjoy the photos and thoughts and welcome the same from you.

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